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OPEN CALL for artists from Ukraine
Шукаємо осіб і середовищ, з котрими ми могли би розвивати наше дослідницьке поле.
Footnotes from Ideal City
Exhibition opening of Ideal City and talk with curator Łukasz Trzciński about his approach to urban emancipation.
The show is based around the topic of borders and explores the socio-political, economical, historical and existential implications of the concept, including the current refugee crisis.
Dreams&Dramas: Performative Talk by Avi Feldman
How does the law use the body and at which point do we cease to be a person and become evidence?
Universal Hospitality 2
The joint exhibition in MeetFactory Gallery/Kostka Gallery/Futura Gallery are facing devastated landscape of political turmoil after Brexit, the Turkish coup and its retaliation, and when populism is becoming mainstream even in affluent countries.
Sprawna ręka. Kupferman / Chlanda
Równolegle z odsłoną „Wystawy stałej” prac z kolekcji Małopolskiej Fundacji Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej: Marek Chlanda/Kodeks Nadwiślański Dworzec PKP, Pl. Dworcowy 4, Tarnów Odsłona otwarta do 28.02.2017
Mit małego miasta
artysta: Maciej Cholewa, kurator: Stanisław Ruksza Na wystawie Macieja Cholewy wymyślony obraz miasta przeplata się z interpretacjami historii zasłyszanych od mieszkańców małych miejscowości.
Tell me the story of all these things. Beginning wherever you wish, tell even us.
curated by Mélanie Bouteloup and Victorine Grataloup
Message from Charlotte
Yan Tomaszewski’s exhibition Message from Charlotte imagines a fictitious situation in the future. An apocalyptic landscape reveals a relic from the past: a time capsule from the Silesian town of Rydułtowy.
The exhibition juxtaposes perverse and utopian attempts to create alphabetic or lexical adaptations of scripture that share a common geographical reference to Prague.
Open Call
On December 6th the artist Jóhanna Ellen Ríkharðsdóttir will materialize a rainbow using water and light at Jasny Dom art space, in Krakow, Poland. This is an open call for volunteers to come and fuck it.
Than Hussein Clark: Debts (Erotic Review Sinai)
A presentation of new works by London and Hamburg based artist Than Hussein Clark, that have been produced over the last two months during the artists production residency in the frame of A.I.R. FUTURA.
Václav Stratil
Aside the overview of the core of his work, different parts from the last 15 years opus by this important drawer, painter and performer will be presented.
In the Dust… Part Four: Roman Dziadkiewicz Surface Studies. Landscapes with idylls
In a day-long activity, inscribed into the mythological full-time employment system eight-hour work day, the author, together with men and women participants, challenges the notion of the museum as an idyllic – almost ideal – space.
Diego Marcon FRANTI, FUORI!
Franti non ha un corpo, non ha un volto. É semmai un carattere, tosto e tristo (Edmondo De Amicis cit.) il cui vizio o virtù si stabiliscono “fuori luogo” e “fuori campo”.
In the Dust… Part Three: Alicja Rogalska, Attempt
“If we want everything to remain the same, everything must change”. (Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampdeusa, Il Gattopardo)
City Diary – Jaro Varga
“City Diary” is a long-term ongoing research project based on observation of cities (Berlin, Seoul, New York, Krakow, Tarnow, Warsaw). It can be perceived as a game.
“Satan’s Children” exhibition open for three more days!
The exhibition does not have a historical nature. The issues emerging from the works and the need to confront the phenomena determining our lives are extremely relevant.
Co-Workers Beyond Disaster
puts forth the speculative powers of story-telling and science-fiction to re-think the ways we inhabit our environment.
Redemption Jokes at NGBK Berlin
In the frame of REDEMPTION JOKES, humour and critique are treated as intermediate states demanding aesthetic distancing.
Opening of the „Secession from the Broadcast” exhibition
Project is a kind of tribute to Gene Youngblood - one of the key theorists of culture and new media.