
TEORIA WSZYSTKIEGO – przewodnik wystawowy

THEORY OF EVERYTHING - exhibition guide

Sztuka jako sposobność / Art as Opportunity

Agata Tecl-Szubert o pracy Magdy Fabiańczyk - "Tam gdzie mnie nie było"

Spróchniała tarcza narodu / The Withered Shield Of The Nation

O neosarmackim micie husarii pisze Paweł Wątroba

Co jedzą rusałki?

Procesy hodowania motyli i tworzenia dzieł sztuki są analogiczne - z Bogną Burską rozmawia Agata Cukierska

Venus in the Colors of Chakras

Part of While the people are walking around the city/ Filko - Kraupe by Christian Kobald

Untitled by Rudolf Samohejl

A group trip to the lake with reading from a book by Joseph Conrad - Typhoon


Jest coś dziwnego w nadawaniu trwałości pozorom życia, zaschłym albo zanurzonym w płynach członkom, rozpłatanym czaszkom z elegancko wywiniętą skórą i mózgiem ukazanym jakby na dowód, że tam jest i być może nadal działa.

TEXT & VISUAL ESSAY: Wojciech Nowicki

Meeting Point

When asked to draw a map of Europe, they don’t refuse: they draw an imaginary shape, which largely deviates from the actual one.

Text: Tomasz Padło
Maps: Citizens of Europe & Refugees


Charlotte comes out of an inquiry into the local context of Lesser Poland, based on meetings with local miners, politicians and inhabitants and on an investigation of the specificities of the region’s mining cities.

Artist: Yan Tomaszewski
Curator: Stanisław Ruksza

Discussion I

Conversation took place as a part of "Repose" what is productive and what is not productive remain a matter of agreement and negotiation...

participants: Agnieszka Kilian, Freja Bäckman, Cristina David, Agnieszka Kilian, Aldona Kopkiewicz, Mateusz Kula, Dominik Kuryłek, Rudolf Samohejl
location: Znamirowice, DIY yacht quay, 06.2015

Origin of Cities

On the origin of cities [Apocrife theory]

Artists: Agnieszka Piksa & Vladimir Palibrk
Curator: Melanie Bouteloup


50 years of Roman Dziadkiewicz's dialogue with The National Museum in Kraków

Text by: Dominik Kuryłek


excerpts from “City Diary”, a long-term ongoing research project based on observation of cities (Berlin, Seoul, New York, Krakow, Tarnow, Warsaw).

Artist: Jaro Varga

A “pseudopoem” of Chaos

One of the crucial themes in the Polish history of art in the past 25 years is the process of re-writing and revaluating it.

Text by: Stanisław Ruksza

An Ideal City?

Nowa Huta, experimental city, created by communists' in Poland after World War II to produce New Man of the system. Symbol of modernity and progress, one of the leading tools to install new regime in Poland after 1945...

Kongres Futurologiczny (video)

28 lipca 2015, Kraków Kongres Futurologiczny z udziałem artystów: Mateja Vakuli, Bogdana Achimescu i Łukasza Surowca oraz futurologa Łukasza Lamży. Moderatorka: Katarzyna Trzeciak

The Presence Within Us

Food may be a perfect instrument for travelling in time. It show ever so precisely from where we come and after what we aspire. What we eat, or what we remember as food eaten in childhood, tells more about us than we want to reveal.

Author Magdalena Ujma

Kongres Futurologiczny (pl)

Przestrzeń sztuki zawsze będzie zawieszona w rzeczywistości, w której żyjemy. Myśląc o sztuce w przyszłości, musimy nakreślić też rzeczywistość, w której przyjdzie nam tkwić.

“Satan’s Children” – Dark House [video]

Curatorial guiding trough "Satan's Children" exhibition [PL] - Dark House

“Satan’s Children” – Bright House [video]

Curatorial guiding trough "Satan's Children" exhibition [PL] - Bright House

Psychogeography of Memory

Jaro Varga in conversation with Kaśka Maniak

The Polish Lucifer, or Towards Progressive National Art

The missing person is a symbol-character, a myth-character, strongly present in Western Europe at the time and almost completely exorcised from Polish Romanticism: Lucifer.

Leone Contini’s performative lecture

What does food tell about our lives and about the region? What is a history of recipes we know? And what happen to recipes of people who are gone?

Interview with Leone Contini

Leone Contini came to Krakow and Bytom (Poland) as artist in residency.

I was told I chop wood as a balet dancer – wood session, vol: 1

collective wood chopping, within the curatorial series: Repose Las Wolski, Kraków, 19.06.2015

Artist: Freja Bäckman
Curator: Agnieszka Kilian

I was told I chop wood as a ballet dancer – wood session, vol: 2

Bringing along the sound of chopping wood within the curatorial series: Repose Lanckorona, 25.06.2015

Artist: Freja Bäckman
Curator: Agnieszka Kilian

Secessions and Broadcast, Łukasz Trzciński talks to Piotr Bujak

It seems to me that perhaps it is not the world of art that is bog-standard, but the whole world around us, which worries me rather than wearing out.

Secession From The Broadcast – ZIN by Piotr Bujak

Excerpts from Secession From The Broadcast ZIN by Piotr Bujak, publication assisting to the artist's solo show in Jasny Dom in Krakow, July 2015.

Ash above Krakow’s sky

We were young, innocent, and of pure hearts. We worshipped Satan and gazed into the night.

Author: Łukasz Orbitowski