Into the Dust…
History does not drive camels anymore but it’s still eating dust.
Etel Adnal, "Seasons"
In the dust… is a series of artistic interventions directed toward the museum as the sum of a variety of relationships – between people, things, biographies, stories – and spaces, which creates itself anew each time, sometimes differently and often only for a moment. Individual projects of Christian Kobald, Alicja Rogalska, Paweł Kruk and Roman Dziadkiewicz will function as separate events. In such a dispersed structure of particles, in the dust, the museum will be read between what is single and multiple, between what is common and separate.
More / credits
Alicja Rogalska
Her practice is interdisciplinary and encompasses both research and production with a focus on social structures and the political subtext of the everyday.
Agata Biskup
In her practice, she has moved beyond the limits of the medium of painting to focus on the analysis of artistic approaches that migrate from the field of art to a non-artistic space.