
Because It Is There

Because it is there.

Curator Agnieszka Kilian
Cooperation Jaro Varga

Because It Is There

in Karlin Studios (FUTURA PRAGUE)

The very important strike point for the upcoming exhibition is taken from a statement given by G.L. Mallory who, asked by a journalist of the New York Times why he wanted to ascent Mount Everest, gave this particular reason: Because it is there. This somewhat brief answer becomes a pretext to explore not so much Alpinism (Himalayan mountaineering), but hidden connections in the embodied cognition, one’s own (bodily) finiteness, its emancipation, and cognitive limits.


Artists: Agency, Bogdan Achimescu, Pavol Breier, Agata Biskup, Szymon Durek, Michael Hoepfner, Rasmus Johannsen, Július Koller, Jan Moszumański, Prabhakar Pachpute, Štefan Papčo, Pavel Sterec, Yan Tomaszewski

Curator: Agnieszka Kilian
in co-operation with Jaro Varga

The exhibition is open until 25 October 2015


G.L. Mallory, English mountaineer who attempted by three times to be the first man to ascent the Mount Everest, is also known to have died at 250 meters from its summit in 1924. If the starting point of the exhibition is the story of the emancipation of man over nature, social and historical aspects of alpinism, from Western quest for territories to strategies of mining industry, demonstrate how such a solitary activity ironically reveals collective ambitions and political acts.

More / credits

Jaro Varga

He explores the phenomenon of experience as a performance by rethinking the usual forms of its representation.

Agnieszka Kilian

The co­-curator of the Place Called Space program.

Opening of the exhibition “The Second Death of George Mallory”

Because it is there.

Curator Agnieszka Kilian
Cooperation Jaro Varga

Because it is there

We are going to examine the actual vector of the question posed to Mallory as well as the core meaning of his answer: because it is there.

Curator Agnieszka Kilian
Cooperation Jaro Varga